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Package robocode.control

The Robocode Control API is used for controlling the Robocode application from another external application.

See: Description

Package robocode.control Description

The Robocode Control API is used for controlling the Robocode application from another external application. Basically, it is possible to run battles between selected robots and retrieve the results. However, it is also possible to get detailed information as snapshots during the battles regarding e.g. the positions and headings of the individual robots and bullets at a specific time during a battle.

The main entry class is the Robocode.Control.RobocodeEngine class, which must be instantiated by the application controlling Robocode. With the RobocodeEngine, a battle specification must be provided in order to run a battle. The battle specification specify the size of the battlefield, and which rules that must be used. In addition, the participant robots must be selected, which must exist in the robot directory of Robocode in advantage.


Here is a simple application that runs a battle in Robocode for 5 rounds on the default battlefield of 800x600 pixels. The robots selected for the battle are sample.RamFire and sample.Corners.

 import robocode.control.*;
 // Application that demonstrates how to run two sample robots in Robocode using the
 // RobocodeEngine from the robocode.control package.
 // @author Flemming N. Larsen
 public class BattleRunner {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         // Disable log messages from Robocode

         // Create the RobocodeEngine
         //   RobocodeEngine engine = new RobocodeEngine(); // Run from current working directory
         RobocodeEngine engine = new RobocodeEngine(new"C:/Robocode")); // Run from C:/Robocode
         // Add our own battle listener to the RobocodeEngine 
         engine.addBattleListener(new BattleObserver());
         // Show the Robocode battle view
         // Setup the battle specification
         int numberOfRounds = 5;
         BattlefieldSpecification battlefield = new BattlefieldSpecification(800, 600); // 800x600
         RobotSpecification[] selectedRobots = engine.getLocalRepository("sample.RamFire,sample.Corners");
         BattleSpecification battleSpec = new BattleSpecification(numberOfRounds, battlefield, selectedRobots);
         // Run our specified battle and let it run till it is over
         engine.runBattle(battleSpec, true); // waits till the battle finishes
         // Cleanup our RobocodeEngine
         // Make sure that the Java VM is shut down properly
 // Our private battle listener for handling the battle event we are interested in.
 class BattleObserver extends BattleAdaptor {
     // Called when the battle is completed successfully with battle results
     public void onBattleCompleted(BattleCompletedEvent e) {
         System.out.println("-- Battle has completed --");
         // Print out the sorted results with the robot names
         System.out.println("Battle results:");
         for (robocode.BattleResults result : e.getSortedResults()) {
             System.out.println("  " + result.getTeamLeaderName() + ": " + result.getScore());
     // Called when the game sends out an information message during the battle
     public void onBattleMessage(BattleMessageEvent e) {
         System.out.println("Msg> " + e.getMessage());
     // Called when the game sends out an error message during the battle
     public void onBattleError(BattleErrorEvent e) {
         System.out.println("Err> " + e.getError());


In order to avoid ClassNotFoundException with your application, you will need to add most of the .jar files located under the /libs folder of the robocode directory to the classpath of your application. That is robocode.jar, picocontainer-xxx.jar etc. You can leave out roborumble.jar and the ones for UI and sound if you don't use the UI with the RobocodeEngine.

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